The work of the ICAO Council’s Aviation Recovery Task Force (CART) is aimed at providing practical, aligned guidance to governments and industry operators in order to restart the international air transport sector and recover from the impacts of COVID-19 on a coordinated global basis. 

The CART’s work on its recovery Report and the accompanying ‘Take-Off’ guidance for international aviation, has kept the health, safety, and security of the travelling public of paramount concern throughout. 

The CART recommendations and guidelines will be continuously reviewed and updated based on the latest medical and operational advice, and are intended to harmonize and not replace the COVID-19 recovery roadmaps currently established by States, Regions, or industry groups.

Cargo Module 

Cargo flight crews should apply the same health and safety considerations as passenger flight crews and are collectively included in the crew section of this document. Whilst air cargo consignments do not come into contact with the travelling public, the cargo acceptance and hand over process does include interaction with non-airport employees.

The Cargo Module addresses aviation public health including physical distancing, personal sanitation, protective barriers point of transfer to the ramp and the loading and unloading, and other mitigation procedures.

The elements of this module are listed below.
