At long last, the modern maritime world has a hero in a novel written by an author who actually knows something about the industry.

The Ocean Dove by Carlos Luxul (a nom de guerre) lives up to the publicity and is a gripping and frighteningly plausible thriller that displays a detailed knowledge of the maritime sector to satisfy both the logistics professional and the average reader.

Here is the synopsis: “Tracking data confirms a deadly cargo has sunk to the bottom of the ocean – only Dan Brooks doubts it. But he’s new to the security services and his face doesn’t fit.

“Closing in on the truth, his ambitious bosses cut him adrift and cover the tracks of their private agendas, while a traitor needs him out of way, permanently.

“Isolated and risking all, Dan pursues his case clandestinely, hunting sophisticated terrorists who know how to slip under the radar and are intent on devastating a globally iconic city.”

As a former journalist on the Lloyd’s List news desk, I am intrigued as to the true indentity of the author (have I met him?), but all I can tell you is that Luxul has “worked for over 30 years in shipping and logistics at the highest of levels”.

He has met “presidents and ministers, war criminals and cannibals and he knows how vulnerable the world’s port cities could actually be”.

Along the way he has “scrambled a country’s Navy and Air Force, and done business in the Middle East.

He wrote The Ocean Dove because he knows that the events described could happen. And that is the point, it does make you think about the potential if a terrorist has the funding, fanaticism and focus to carry out attrocities.

I hope that Dan Brooks returns for another adventure.

The Ocean Dove is published by Matador and will be available in paperback and ebook formats. For more information visit: